Posted by: urbanadventurertales | September 2, 2009

Stuffed french toast

While the Chef may have convinced me to marry him by making me his grilled salmon, I stayed married to him because of his stuffed french toast.  It’s seriously in the top 10 of best meals ever.

He starts with a hearty loaf of unsliced bread (today it was organic wheat from the Farmers Market).  He combines eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla and puts butter in the bottom of a pan.  He dips the bread into the egg mixture and then grills both sides.

In a separate sauce pan in slices bananas and combines with butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar until they are soft, but not mushy.

He stuffs the banana mixture in between two slices of bread.

He then pours syrup over top and sprinkles with powdered sugar.  It is truly amazing!

The Chef is making something with chicken tonight, so stay tuned!


  1. Wow! Yes! It looks truely amazing..Yummy! Great job chef!

  2. Can The Chef make that next time I’m home!?? WOW!

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